Sunday, 16 March 2014

11) 1950's & 1960's

Pop Art
pop art was an interesting movement and this post will focus on the work of Andy Warhol

Pop Art was born in Britain in the mid 1950s. It was the brain-child of several young subversive artists - as most modern art tends to be. The first application of the term Pop Art occurred during discussions among artists who called themselves the Independent Group (IG), which was part of the Institute of Contemporary Art in London, begun around 1952-53.

pop art is derived from popular culture, taking imagery that is easily recognisable by the masses, and turning it into art, artists use imagery that was in current circulation, in advertising, comic books, and anything that everyone could see, like everyday objects.

campbells soup was the most prolific soup brand of america, it was the soup of the people, rich or poor, everybody could enjoy campbells soup. Warhol recognised this and he wanted to create recognisable art, the image of a campbells soup can was on everything, prints, wallpapers, clothing, shoes, and the image almost began to lose meaning

The same as with campbells soup, Warhol wanted to take a recognisable image and repeat it to the extreme, he repeated the image so many times, printing in different combinations of colours, and it swiftly became the most recognisable image of pop art, it has also became quite the pop art trope to repeat an image four times in different colours in this style

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